Donate today and grow rugby in Indiana!
Playing sports empowers youth.
$965 raised
$2,500 goal
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Using the game of rugby to develop young men and women for life!
Rugby is the fastest growing team sport in the United States. This unique game gives boys and girls grades 2 to 12 to be on defense, offense, carry the ball, and score. Players learn respect, teamwork, adaptability, and become part of the global rugby family.
Youth and high school rugby has a long history in Indiana, and it continues to grow but we need your help. Your gift helps us provide training for new coaches, buy equipment for new teams, and the tools to help teams grow. In 2018 we will be working hard to increase rugby in school Physical Education programs. The increased awareness of the sport, and exposing children to the benefits of healthy competition, team work, fresh air, exercise, improvement in self esteem and academic performance, and more will help them develop a passion for the game.
Your contribution today will help us keep growing the game in Indiana to institute the game as a core component of their Phys. Ed. curriculum. Your monthly gift of $10 or more, or a one-time contribution in support of our efforts is deeply appreciated.